You do the same thing every day/week/month/quarter/year. You have a certain routine. You enter in some data, and then you format it. You update some formulas and then you look at the bottom line. Have you ever asked, “Why do we do it this way?” For most, the answer is quite simple:

This is the way we have always done it.

Yes, with the JAAD Group, Excel automation is very simple.  We can help you document your process, and then automate the task with a few simple mouse clicks.

Is there a better way?
Isn’t automation expensive?

Suppose that all the data crunching at the end of a month took a total of 2 hours to compile.  What is the actual cost of compiling that data?  Suppose you make $25/hour.  That is $50 spent on just number crunching, every month, for every year, forever.  That is equivalent to $600 per year, just on one report!  What if the cost of getting the task automated was $900.  You might think – wait a minute – that is $300 more that what it actually costs.  But is it really?  How many times have mistakes been made and the report needs to be re-run?  With Excel automation – no mistakes – it is done the exact same way every time.  NO HUMAN ERRORS!  So what did that $300 actually get you?  It got 6 hours of time that you got to focus on other aspects of the business.  And then comes next year, where you just gained that entire $600 back to invest in the business.

The truth is – you won’t.  Many companies say they can do it on their own.  But when the one person that has done the manual task goes on vacation, or worse yet, leaves the company, then what happens?  Well, we will just look at the instructions that were left.  And then you realize, they were supposed to be written, but never got around to it.  Now you are using valuable time and resources reinventing something that was already broken, only to do it the same way, again.  With JAAD Group’s Excel automation – instructions to run the program(s) are provided.  And the tasks can be run by anyone.  So the reports still get out on time, every time.

“We can figure it out ourselves.”

And let’s face it, are you really going to spend hours and hours researching something only to find out by trial and error what really works?  After all, this is only one task you are researching.  Is it worth that time and money?

Let the JAAD Group automate your Excel tasks.
Here are the benefits:

  • Fewer mistakes
  • Focus on your business, not your processes
  • Spend more time running your business
  • Increase employee production