About Us

JAAD Group, LLC has over 25 years of experience working with Excel and other Microsoft products in addition to performing maintenance on PCs.  The company was established in 2013 to help individuals and companies maximize their use of Excel.  Before forming JAAD Group, the owner worked in IT departments for several companies.  In every case, it was noticed that process improvement, quality standards, and software efficiency could always be improved.  When management was asked why certain policies and procedures were done a certain way, the answer was disheartening – “That is the way we have always done it.”  Nonetheless, through the use of technology, systems could be put in place that allowed  employees to focus on doing their jobs  instead of

creating ways to do their jobs. For instance, a Chief Financial Officer should not spend hours reformatting Excel spreadsheets every month.  Rather, he should have a system in place that allows for an easy import of data.  Thereafter s/he can focus on analyzing the data and making management decisions based on the data.  The company was thus founded to help anyone by automating and streamlining Excel while increasing its efficiency.  There ARE ways to do things better.  Most organizations do not have the budget nor the time to invest in teaching someone the complex ins-and-outs of Excel macros, tables, and nested formulas.  Our team is constantly searching and investigating the newest ways to use Excel with the intent

to help people enjoy its flexibility and benefit from its reporting features.  In addition, the future of technology is moving towards the web.  JAAD Group is capitalizing on this by building applications that can be accessed anywhere and by anyone with the proper credentials.  JAAD Group has created several online apps that provide instant access to invaluable data.  Services have been provided to groups such as on-the-go insurance agents and large security teams.

“Work smarter, 
not harder!”
jmattus profile
Jeff Mattus

Jeff attended Arizona State University for Computer Science.  He worked with a national hardware maintenance company with emphasis in banking equipment.  Jeff designed and implemented databases and the associated user front ends to track and inventory hundreds of thousands of equipment items.  Following this, he was the Systems Support Manager for an international debt recovery company, Allied International Credit (AIC).  At AIC Jeff queried, created, and managed all reporting for the US offices as well as coordinating and facilitating all hardware and software maintenance.  Thereafter, he worked with the Lyle Anderson Company (LAC), an international master planned community developer.  At LAC, Jeff streamlined many business processes and accounting procedures to better use developing technology. He moved on to work with a national cost management vendor (CMV), developing algorithms that assisted with healthcare claims negotiations.  Finally, Jeff has taken all his experience and technical knowledge and transitioned to start his own company – JAAD Group.

Zebulun C. White
Managing Partner/Co-Owner